


(1, a 8 July 1952 @ letter vas disseminated to Commanding Officer of 211
ships and units of Task Group 132.3 setting forth zuidance and recommendations concerning security risks within the Task Group.

The Task Group

Commander delegated the responsibility for determining security risks of
personnel of the various ships and units to Commanding Officers of the
personnel in question.

In this connection 2¢ was pointed out that where

there was reasonable ground to question the Jeouxtty and reliability of

an individual within a given comand, the Commanding Officer should
request his type commander to transfer the man from the Task Group ship.
A substantial number of individuals, whose National Agency Checks

revealed them to be unsuitable for participation in this operation, were
transferred from Task Group ships by type commanders at the request of
Commanding Officers.

Acut off date of 1 August 1952 was established for the sibmission of

applications for "Q* Clearances for participation in the operational phase

of IVY.

This date was seleoted by CJTF 132 and by the ARC because

approximately ninety days are required to comnlete backgroud inv: stigations for a "Q" Cl arance.

However, all applications for *Q" Clearances

for personnel who are assigned to JTF 132 subsequent to 1 August 1952 for
participation in CASTIE will continue to be processed in the usual manner.

At the time the above cut-off date was announced, Comand ing Officers

of ships and units of the Task Group were informed that 1 September would
be the deadline for sutmission of National Agency Check requests.




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