
COR Piard, Staff Plans and Operations Officer, attended a Task

Force conference at Los Alamos, New Mexico on 10 June in connection with

evacuation planning.


On 9 June a list of items and materials to be used in the evacuation
of small craft was submitted by letter to CITF=132, requesting they be

| shipped to ENIWETOK for ConTaskGroup 132.3%


A letter was submitted to CJTF-132 on 13 June pointing out that it
might not be practicable to evacuate all small craft during MIKE shot

and proposed lifting some LOM's from the Lagoon and storing them on

ENIWETOK, A “Jeheemy" (Landing Craft Carrier) was requested for use in
such operations,

ComTaskGroup 132.1's "Concept of Operations" was received during
this period.

In regard to evacuation, an exception was made to plans

for employment of a DDE to evacuate the Firing Party from the shot

island and other versonnel from PARRY with a further transfer to the
ESTES to take place at sea.

By letter of 18 June, it was reconmended

that, in lieu of a transfer at sea, the evacuation from PARRY be made

to the ESTES by helicopter. The DDE could lift the firing party from

the shot island to PARRY. Prevailing sea conditions for the time of
year render a transfer at sea between the ships concerned a hazardous


In connection with implementation of the Task Force Shot Phase .

Evacuation Plan, letters were sent on 2l, dune tot

Headquarters Commandant, JTF 132 (regarding Task Force Heade
ers personnel)


Select target paragraph3