Conmander, Task Group 132.1 (regarding Task Group 132.1 personnel)


Commander, Task Group 132.2 (regarding Task Group 132.2 personne2)
Each activity was requested to furnish names of cabin ‘class personnel,

giving their precedence, and key personnel of troops, to be evacuated,


and other data needed by the ships to plan for accommodating the

evacuees. Conferences with Conmanding Officers of the ships concerned
were surrested as a further measure to inch out getaiis. - _
As ships from NSTS were not yet named and probably would be

unavailable for conferences until they arrived in the forward area,
it was suggested that information for, and questions concerning, those

ships be furnished Commander, MSTS, Pacific, whose headquarters is in
San Francisco, California,


Operations during the shot perLod were covered in the Task Group

Operation Plan. While evacuation would be a major effort of the Task
Greup during shot periods, an intensification of security measures,

_air and surface, will be required and are included in the planning.
Movement of the Task Group to avoid radioactivity hazards and

at the same time manning all radiological defense equipmentis a
paramount consideration consistent with gaining a safe reentry to the
atoll for purposes of obtaining scientific data on the results of the

shots at the earliest practicable moment,



Plans for Re~entry Operations were covered in Annex N to the

Task Group Operation Plan.



Select target paragraph3