Ady search and antiesubmerine patrols will be carried out by planes

of the patrol nlane unit covering the ENIWSTOK Danger Area.
Combat Air Patrols will be carried. out within the ENT:ETOK Danger
Arez bv fiehter planes from the USS RENDOVA.


Toward an improvement in capability for air, by letter of 17 June a

recermensded chanee in fighter aircraft assigned to the USS RENDOVA was

made tc ComAirPac,

It was recommended that 6 FLA5h be furnished in lieu

of L F6F-5N, and that e corresponding increase in vilots from 4 to 8 be


Planning for Intra~Atoll Transportation was covered in Annex L Boat Pool and Harbor Control Plan to the Task Group Operations Plan —
No. 1-52.


The plan envisions control of ship movements within the ENIWETOK
Lagoon; harbor entrance surveillance, intra-atoll ferry service, ship-

shore cargo movement and maintenance of small craft.


veaching or moving of small craft during the shot phase is included.
Assistance to Task Group 132.1 Boat Pool and provision of boat service

to Task Group 132.2 security missions also, is included. An AVR will
he mnintained for Search and Rescue availability at all times,




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