six hold "Q" Clearances.

Requests for the remainder have been pending for

thirty to sixty days.


(3) As of 25 May 1952 records in the files of the N-2 Section reflect
that on an overall. tasis, J-2 Section of JTF 132 is currently processing
one-nmdred sixty-six requests for "Q" Clearances for Taek Group 132.3.

A total of thirty-seven "Q" Clearances has been issued to date.

(4) The Office of Naval Intelligence has received, ‘and tio date
processed, a total of sixteen hundred twee requests for National Agency

Checks which were forwarded by various ships and units as prospective
members of Task Group 132.3. It is considered that the sixteen hundred
_ twentv NAC's completed represent approximately 35% of those required in
this operation.


On 23 May, CinCPacFit stated that he considered the employment of
srips in Task Group 132.3 to be routine as regards radiological éefense
recuirenents, and that he desired his type commanders to obtain their
radiae instruments through routine channels and to train personnel in

radiological defense through established training commands. _
To eliminate the necessity of redistributing the pool of instruments

already assembled at NSY San Francisco, OPNAV (Op=-365) directed BuShips
to fi31 radiac allowances of Task Group 132.3 ships from thie pool as
reauests come in from type cormanders.

A small ‘reserve of instruments

will be maintained by ComTaskGroup 132.3 for replacement of inoperative
instruments within the Task Group and to take care of last minute additional
needs of the Task Group.


Select target paragraph3