
Requirenentsare ema!l with following in prospect at end of this reporting


(a) Air Jif} - An advance element of 1 officer and 2) men

of Boat Pool to Forward Area on 15 July. énadvance element of 1 officer
and 10 men of the Underwater Detection Unit to Forward Area on 15 July.

(b) Hater - An undetermined number of officers and

men of the Fatrol Squadron (PATRON 2) to KWAJALEIN gn August.

Transportation was furnished for 16 sete of travel orders. An
allotment for the first quarter, FY 1953, was reouested in the amount

of $3,000. The allotment for fourth quarter, FY 1952, was $5,500,


(1) Because of the extremely large volume of classified infor=

mation which had to be handled by members of CTG 132.3 Headquarters personnel
it was imverative that inmediate steps be taken to adequately clear all

Officers and Enlisted Personnel in accordance with existing service requirements.

"Q" Clearances have teen requested for al} officers, clerical, and

commnications persormel of the Staff and when received +111 provide a

' basis for issue of permanent Top Secret Clearance.
(2) By 15 May 1952 all personnel assigned to the Staffwere =


either recipients of active "Q" Clearances or were cleared ur to Secret
pursuant to current service regulations.

Eight of seventeen officers

presently attached to the Staff are holders of valid "Q" Clearances,
Requests for AEC "Q" Clearances for the remainder have been pending ‘for
- thirty to sixty days.

Of the fifteen enlisted men attached to CT 132.3,


Select target paragraph3