

On 11 May 1952, LCDR H.C. Tonini, thé Staff Commmnications Officer,

made a staff visit to the USS RENDOVA at San Diego, California. As e
result of a conference with the RENDOVA Communication Officer, plans
were formulated for an embryo frequency plan ‘and the allocation of conmuni«

eation spaces to the staff.


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The necessary electronics equipment required bythe Coast Guard to
monitor the unattended Loran Station on ENIWETOK during the shot phase

is on board the RENDOVA and available for Coast Guard use, CJTF-132 was
notified by CTG 132.3 by letter of 20 May 1952 of the availability of

this equipment.

A request for frequency assignments was made and submitted to CTF-132
be letter ort 20 May 21952,


A list of special electronics equipment and necessary todiflostions

of Navy shivs for participstion in Operation IVY were ‘itiformelly presented

to CUTF=132 who in tum requested such equipment and modifications in &
letter of 26 May 1952 to the Chief of Naval Operations,

. 4

The installation of thie spectel equipment and modifications as
requested was approved be OPNAY and BuShipe was directed to arranre
‘availability schedules for the ships involved through the type commanders.
Correspondence was initiated to insure that each of the shins which

are to have AN/TRC~3 electronics gear on board (ESTES, CURTISS, and
RENDOVA) should have at least2 electronics technicians qualified in maine

. tenance of this gear.

If shivs did not have men so trained, they could

be given a course in AN/TRC-3 maintenance at the U.S. Army Electronics


Select target paragraph3