planning for KING was made much simpler because of CJTP 132's desision to
remain on PAR°Y ISI.AND for the KING Fvent.
Cammmications for KING Shot, other than regularly manned task group
circuits, consisted of maintaining communications with JIF 132 Headquarters on

PARRY ISLAND via AN/TRC voice telephone while the

Navy Task Group was at sea.

Direct lines were tied-off through the AN/TRC equipment from both the bridge
of the USS RENDOVA and the Task Group Commender's cabin to the JTF 132 Headquarters joint operati:na center on PARRY rstann? Communications proved very

satisfactory throughout KING.

It was also noted that there wes general inprovee

ment in the performance of the tactical mancuvering cirouits of the task grour.

This can probably be attritute? to the fact that the shins were more closely
groured during the afloat stags.
When various units of the Task Group returned to their assigned anchorages

in the lagoon, normal communications were resumed.
Following KING Shot, the bulk of ccanmnmications consisted of messages
concerning the roll-up stage of Operation IVY.
As ships of the Task Croup were released, and departed the "niwetok area,

the need for Task Group circuits ceased.

All Task Grou, operztional circuits

were secured on K rlus 4 day.
During the period of peak activity, ] October - 15 Novenber, of. Operation

IVY, a total of approximately 5,000 radio and 2,000 visual messa ‘es were handled by the ComTaskCroup 132.3 commmications center.

It vas found that the

two week period preceding MIK™ was the busiest and there was @ continuous back. log of incoming and outgoing messages.




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