

MIKE Fyent Rehearsal was held on 28 October (M minus 4).

This was a

complete communications rehearsal] for Mar? Shot with “eadquarters of CJTF 132
moving on board the USS "STFS and all circuits activated for last minute

interference checks.

The rehearsal continued until 1200M on 28 Ooteber and

it was found that there were several elrouit failures, which were quickly
rectified at subsequent conferences.

pon completion of the exercise, communi-

cations returned to normal with the exception of few special cireuits aboard

the USS ESTES which remained activated at the request of CJTF 132 Headquarters
Communication Officer.
During the few days remaining prior MIKE Day, communications checls were

held every morning on all oporational] circuits, and a final and satisfactory
check was held on the afternoon of M minus 1.
Communications on MIKR Day were good with the exception of the tactical
maneuvering circuits which failed to operate with ships near horizon distance.

from the Task Group Flagship.

This posed a serious problem to the Navy Task

roup Commander, and it was found necegsary to use the medium frequency Task
Group common voice circuit to maneuver those ships some distance away.
Upon return to the Eniwetek ‘Lagoon following MIKE Shot, the afloat stage
for MIKE was completed, and JTF 132 Headquarters moved ashore from the USS

Normal in-port ccmmunications vere quickly reestab) ish=

ed with CJTF 132 ashore on parry rsa, BEST AVAILASLE aay
Following MIKE Event, it was noted that there was a considerable drop

in communication traffic.

This can probably be attributed tc the fact that

considerable of the planning for MIK" was a carry-over, and also that th>


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