nation of Task Force personnel in s®curity natters.

JTF 132 letter AG file

number 360 of that date, Subject: "Security Indootrination for KING’, directed
that "no information whatsoevar of a clessified nature will be commmicated
to any unauthorized person”,

In this letter it was pointed out that certain

items such as (a) the approximate time of the teste, (b) number of shots in
the operation, (c) cheracteristics of the test, (da) number of ships and aircraft and other equipment im the operation, end (e) detailed organisation and

composition of JTF 152 vere stil] classified and could not te transmitted to
any unauthorized person.

This letter was reproduced and distributed te all

ships and units of tho Task Croup,

Ir addition to the statements enumerated in the paragraphs above all
personnel of the Task Group were given termination lectures, warning them of

their continuing obligation ef secrecy regarding the operation, not to confirm
or deny news releases unless released by the Department of Defense or tho

Atomic Fnergy Commission, not to tell the number of shots, time or dates nor
the effects of the tests, nor mention structures seen.


All "Q" clearances of personnel not continuing in the Atemie Energy

Programs are being cancelled. BEST AVAILARI Copy
Instructions were issued to all ships and mits. of the Task Group to
omit from the logs for the nonth of November 1952 any information pertaining
to Atomic Tests, M-Day, KeDay, Shot Time, or H-Hour,
In conclusion it can be stated that there were no positive indications
that any attempts were made by unfriendly sutmarines or aircraft to gain ine
telligence of this operation.

There was no evidence of attempted sabotage,

espionage or personne] panetration by unfriendly agents.



Select target paragraph3