No pronounced nor delicerate interference was experienced by ships of

this Task ‘roup, other than normal atmospheric conditions which interferred
with reception during certain periods of the day.

No unusual tranamitting or

receiving phenomena was recorded by stiips of the task group following either
MINE or KING Shot.
ConTaskGroup 132.3 in RSNDOVA departed FNITO® enroute San ezo on

F plus 4.

All Task Group circuits were secured, and only required Fleet

Broadeasts and distress frequencies were naintatsed.

Upon arrival at San

Diego, CIG 132.3 communication and crypto guard wis shifted at 052000Z fran

the USS RENDOVA to the Potomac River Naval Command at the Naval Gun Factory,
Washington, D. C.

An account of Task Group activity and experience in Atomic Defense during

the MIK® Event is covered in the history installment for that event.


the remainder of the period of this report there was no activity except during
the KING Event when the Task Group ships in the Fniwetok Lagoon experienced

a trace of radioactive fall-out’ at about Il plus 22 hours.

The fall-out con~

sisted of widely scattered particles with a maximm radiation intensity of .6

MR/HR (Beta).

This trace amount of fall-out was readily cleaned up by all

the ships,

The results of lagoon water sampling indicated sero activity in the lagoon
water where the ships were anchored.

Readings up to 100,000 disintegrations

per minute per milliliter were obtained in the northern portion of the lagoon

but no ships were affected.



Select target paragraph3