experience our meeting these past two days.

So provision has been made now

for this in the agreement or the proposed 177 that the two governments are

discussing and we are glad to know that they will be pursuing this matter.
I was very encouraged to hear you say that you welcome the people taking
these reports and sharing them, showing them to whoever they wish to seek
further advice and counsel.
we can all grow and benefit.

I think that that is a healthy situation and
And I would hope that any further research or

results or information, whether pro or con, would also be brought and we
would be able to further discuss, so that we would all better understand

what's involved.

I'll give everyone’an opportunity to say a few words.


I am very grateful for having been here and for the report

that you brought and explained tn great detail.

I feel better equipped to

share as much as I have gained from it with my people.

And I thank you for

enabling me to do this by providing this kind of information.

This is a

help to me and my people and I thank you most sincerely.


Do you want to say a few words?

Well, thank you Mr. Chief Secretary and thank all of you.

We again

appreciate this opportunity and your hospitality and especially the time
that you have taken to come and very patiently listen to us and absorb what
we have been able to pass to you on a very difficult subject.

We want

to continue this discussion, this exchange so long as you find it useful
and we welcome your suggestions about questions that stil] need to be
answered about things you would like to hear more from us about.

We have

taken a number of notes on those and I assure you that they will receive
our attention.

I know that I speak for my associates here when I say we

have been pleased and greatly impressed.

We respect greatly the efforts

that you have made and the degree to which you have absorbed so much
information in such a short time.

Your questions and your comments wil]

make_us very much better prepared to visit your communities at a later


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