oe stelle


We from Rongelap and Utrik have this request and now the

Senator from Enewetak also joins in requesting that those of our number who
have had thyroid operations, some were not exposed to the fallout, and so
consequently received no compensation yet they as a result of their
operation are required to take medicine daily perhaps for the rest of their

Is there some way to financially help these people since they are

now required as a result of their operation for this sickness that they




If you cannot answer this perhaps you can take this request to the

proper authorities?


I shall do that.

I want to comment that the matter of treatment of

ilIness and injury that is not radiation related is a subject of agreements
between our government and the government of the Marshall Islands and the
subject of continuing discussion.

And I shall certainly take that subject

to those discussions.

I have no further questions.

On behalf of the President who is not here or the Acting President,

I want to express our extreme gratitude and sincere thanks for the team's
coming, presenting us with this information from the study made and your

report at this time to this group.

I am especially grateful for this kind

of setting where we are able to sit down face to face, discuss these
matters, raise questions and get answers or at least have them raised so

the answers can be forthcoming, eventually in the future.

We are

encouraged by such a gathering and are grateful to have had this.

I might

just say as sort of an example or a parable that as we sit here it is

almost as if a ball of fire had fallen right in the middle of the room and
we are trying to find out how we can escape injury from getting too close

to that fire, and in that way we want to avoid injury.

And those that have

been burned, we want to discover, try to find ways of giving aid in their
distress and discomfort or illness or harm.

That is figuratively how I


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