
Let me clarify.

I believe that the request that was made yesterday

and the offer that I made, was that we would research those things that
have been done at Wotje already. but were done back in the earlier years,
and if we were to produce that information and reduce it to a meaningful
document for the people of Wotje, we would let them know what is done and
what, on what basis we feel confident that Wotje does not need a further



Well, if you do that for Wotje can you do that for


Yes, we can certainly.


We will do that.

Second question I have.

This picture, the illustration on

page 22, very clearly points out that it's not just the thyroid that is

affected by radionuclides but they enter the bloodstream -and are then
carried to every part of the body, so that my friend here from Rongelap
joins me in requesting that after this don't just bring a thyroid
specialist but we would appreciate a doctor that is a specialist in the

other areas of the body since the whole body is affected.

An eye doctor,

an ear doctor, a brain doctor, a physician that would be able to give us
help with other ailments that we might have since our whole body is
affected, not just our thyroid.


The doctors who participate in the DOE program represent a wide range

of abilities and experience.

The emphasis for some years has been on

thyroid because that has been the most evident result, but we have had
specialists in all fields visit and some generally qualified practitioners

who are capable of recognizing the need for other specialists to come in.
We certainly, in the DOE medical program, certainly does not look only at

It has done work in all sorts of ilInesses but concentrating on

those things that by experience and knowledge are most closely related to
radiation exposure.

We have had some cardiologists, we have had some

diabetes studies, we have had parasitologists working with parasites,
pediatric specialists, even dentists helping in that program.


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