Now since the Chief Secretary chose to use a parable, this may be
difficult, Alice, but I would like to try one myself.
apologies to Elden*.

I even do this with

I think you all should be reminded of a man I heard

of who had not been to church.

For many, many months he had not attended

church and the minister stopped him one day and asked him, would he not
this Sunday come to church because he was badly missed and he was needed.
It happened to be a Sunday when the minister was greatly inspired and spoke
at great length.

His sermon touched on every book of the Bible and lasted

for more than four hours.

And as the man left the church the minister said

I was so pleased that you came here.

I hope that you feel that it did you

And the man said to the pastor, "I, pastor, am reminded of something

that happened in my childhood when my father went to feed the pigs and he
took a whole cartload, a whole wagonload of food down to feed the pigs and
only one pig showed up.
pig with food.

My father emptied the cart and almost drowned the

Pastor, I realize I have not been to church in a long time

but did you have to give me the whole load at once?”
giving you the whole load at once.

We thank you very much for your

hospitality and hope to see all of you again soon.
appreciation to Alice.

We apologize for

Thank you.

* Reverend Elden Buck, Alice's husband.


And finally our deep

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