
And that plane flight would be anywhere not just because it was

flying in Marshallese air?)

That's right.


Any plane flight.)

Well, it is unfortunate that you had to receive greater

radiation because of a trip here, to meet with us, on the other hand we
know that you made the trip because of something that your government did
in our islands and you came to make this explanation to us and meet with us
and we are grateful for your concern and willingness to accept that

increased radiation as a result of the trip.

I see a difference in your

example, though, because this is something that by choice you have done and

in a sense we're not sure what our choice is because we would rather have
not had our islands contaminated in this way.

And yet they are by people

other than ourselves, by a choice that was not ours, and so we are faced
with this condition.

And so I'm just concerned now about our people and

this choice is forced upon us.

You did it of your own free will.

But with

us it is a forced choice now that we have to make, or situation we have to
deal with.

And I think that is a bit different but we understand your


Well, we too feel that it is most unfortunate that Rongelap was



That was not by our own free will, it was as a result of an

What we are talking about here is I think the choices that now

exist and the Senator was asking, "Is it appropriate to tell people they

must not go to the northern islands or is it appropriate to say they may,

Well it is somewhere in between and there are..., that's the

value judgment that I wanted to address.


The practice throughout the world in radiation protection is that

even though 500 mrem is an acceptable level that governments work with, if
there is any practical way to stay below that level even though they say
that's a level you can, you know, go up to and around, if there is any
practical way to stay below that, they do it.

And what we are saying here


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