is that there is a practical way to reduce the exposure for the people at
Rongelap by not using foods from the northern end.

If you do use foods

from the northern end, certainly there will be more radiation in the body
and a slightly greater risk, be it small, however.

But that definitely it

will increase the levels in the body, hut we are just saying that in the
way radiation is handled worldwide, if you have a practical way to reduce
it, the exposure, you will do it.

And we are saying that this opportunity

exists at Rongelap by simply not using the northern foods anymore than is


really necessary.

On this paper, it states that the amount of radiation in any

part of the body for Rongelap would be 2,500.

Now that's a lot more than

Is there going to be some problem with that?


The 2,500 number shown here is the total amount over 30 years,

not one year, and the comparable number for 30 years is 5000.
the total amount estimated for 30 years, not one.

So this is

And the standard, the

guideline for a 30 year exposure is 5000, and that represents the number
estimate for Rongelap island.

Oh, Rongelap island?


Yes, Rongelap island.


It sounds like it is decreasing.

You said that all of this

is decreasing, so how did it reach, what 5000? 2500? How come it is 2500 if

it is decreasing?

The amount per year is decreasing.

But all of the years have to add



If it starts out, for example, let's say the first year is 450...

30 times 400 is 12,000.


Select target paragraph3