
A principle of radiation safety is something that we call As Low As

Practicable, not as low as possible, As Low As Practicable.

And the

thought there is that one may accept some exposure to radiation for some
presumed or expected benefit and it is in order to help people make that
judgment that we need to have these numbers.

These numbers have to do with

the future.


I understand the intent of the course for future planning but

another theorem of radiation is accumulated whole body exposure.

the amount accumulated over one's lifetime.


I, I question the validity of

predictions based on '78 forward, they don't take into account somehow the
amount that has already been accumulated.

Well, that is why I referred to the principle of... (I'm sorry go

ahead and translate it.)


You didn't factor this into these predictions?
Let Alice translate your question.

Ray: We recognize that there have been exposures of people in the northern
Marshalls. But the degree or the amount of exposure in the past does not
affect the prediction of what the exposure will be in the future.
independent of each other.


They are


You have one Phillip?


My first question, I was, I think that it has been announced or

recognized that there are four atolls that have primary contamination and
those are the ones listed, Enewetak, Bikini, Rongelap, and Utrik.
study other islands if actually there are only four that have high


Why bring in other atolls to this study?


So why

Select target paragraph3