
Other atolls have been studied in past years but not as intensively

you're right, not as intensively as Enewetak, Bikini, Rongelap and Utrik.

That is because our records from the test days showed that the relatively
higher contamination levels were on those four atolls.

Anticipating that

at some point our surveillance or our measuring program will begin to
disappear, because we will have learned everything that we can learn or

need to learn.

We felt that before that time came we should take one

comprehensive look beyond the four to atolls close in, but further out than
these four, to assure that there is not someplace that we had missed or

that there is not some condition that we had missed.

Some of the techniques that we developed in the studies, especially

of Enewetak and Bikini, made it possible for us to do this wide area search
of many hundreds of islands, or several hundred islands in a reasonable

A capability that we had not had years before.

As soon as that

capability was there and since we had to bring the ship out especially to
Took at Bikini, we decided that it made very good sense to go and make this

last check to be sure that there was not something there that we did not
know about.


The result of this, of this survey has verified that the choices we

made for study in earlier years were good choices.

So now this chart or the maps on page 8 and 9 indicates that

there is some contamination of other atolls besides the four that we all
have been familiar and knew had some contamination.

So America, as a

government, the United States government, is willing to obviously then
recognize that fact and say, yes, there is contamination of other atolls

besides the four that we have been working with prior to this time.

Yes, there is some and the amount is reported in the survey report.


Select target paragraph3