
Well, I refer you again to the purpose of the study.

the survey and the study.

The purpose of

It is and has been to determine whether or not

it is reasonable for people to continue to live in these locations, or
whether there are things there that would influence us to make
recommendations, either about changing the diet, changing the lifestyle,
changing the place of residence or otherwise.

Those things we can do

something about if we know, if we were to find in this study that there is
some practice which is leading to unnecessary exposures to radiation.


can then make a suggestion to the people concerned as to how they can
moderate that as would be done, for example, when we find that the foods
_from the northern islands of Rongelap are significantly more contaminated

than those in the southern islands.

The suggestion there would be that

people not take a substantial part of their diet from the northern islands

but use, to the extent that they use locally, locally grown foods, the
foods that come from the southern islands.
can do something about.

I repeat.

That's something we

By giving advice and recommendations we cannot

today do something about what happened ten years ago.

And the purpose of

this, although there are other studies that look at ten years ago or twenty

years ago, this is not that study but what we are reporting upon is a study
as to what conditions are there now, in order that people can make

decisions about their own lives.

That does not answer my question.

My question is how can you make

recommendations for the future without taking into consideration what they
already ingested, people already ingested?


The recommendations that we make have to do with whether or not there

will be unnecessary future exposures, exposures or doses that could be

We have also separate from this study, we have also knowledge of

the doses and exposures that people have had.

We have knowledge, by virtue

of the whole body counting program, of how much radioactive material people

have in their bodies.

We have had those studies going on for sometime.

Those are not what we are reporting here.
those, we have extensive reports on those.
for a very specific purpose.

If you would like to read about
This is talking about a survey

Providing for future planning of people of

the northern Marshalls.


Select target paragraph3