
Chapter Two

de turtner explained tnat scientists were experimenting with
“ucieat devices “...for the good of mankind ana <c end ail
worid wars’ and told now the navv had searched tne worid for
a test sire and had determined that Bikini was the best -ibid.;.
The Bikinmians deliberated. and according to the governor's
description of events. chief Juda reported their decision:
Ir the United States government and the scientists ot the worid want

to use our isiand and atoll for furthering development. which with

Goa’s blessing will result in kindness and benerit to aii mankind. my
reopie will be pieased to go eisewhere Mason 1954:253 .

White official sources report that the Bikinians agreed to re-

-ocate tor the good cf ail Rumanity. it is more like! that other

tactivs é2 oritirai im staming tneir Gecision. The «s!ianaers were

acCusiimes to actnority imposed from the ourside the para-

MOUND onief ana the cs.omlai governments which preceded that

eptne Americans. and in 1946. thev were still impressed bv the
Titec States’ Iecisive Sereat or Japan. The Americans’ descrip-

TION Gt tne huclear weapons further convinced them ofthe

rower anc tecnnoiogica: superiority of the United States. and

wnen tnev were recuested to give up their ancestral homeland

ov botn the Americans and their paramount cniet. it 1s doubreful
chat they delievea char tnev had anv alternative-but to comply.

Ik 1s not certain whether the problem ctselecting a site for

tne reseruement or the community was discussed during the governor’s visic ro Bikini. An official report of the relocation simolyv

licates: “Ot the eteven tramily heads wiagi) nine named Roneerik Atc. as their tirst cnoice for the resertiement’) Meade 1946°.
mere Mere several factors which appeared to determine the Bikitians sesection ot Rongertk. First. the isiancers were tamuliar

with tne atoll since it 1s only eighreen miles trom Rongeiab whose
people tne Bikinians had long been in contact see Map 1}. Sec-

ond. Rongertk was uninhabited. and resettlemenr there offered

the prom:se that the Bikinians could continue their lives tree from

the interference of outsiders. Lastly. there 1s some evidence which
indicates that the Bikinians were never convinced thar their reloca-

tion was more than a temporary measure. and as a result. they mav
not have considered the selection of a new homesite to be an important matter.


Select target paragraph3