



.. compared the B:ikinians to the chidren of Israel whom the Lora

saved from their enemy and ied unto the Promised Land. He told
them of the bomb that men ‘n America had made and the destruction it had wrought upon the enemy Richard 1957:510).

> After Operation Crossroads in 1946. Bikini was not utilized as a nuclear

test site for etght vears. In 1954. further tests were conducted at the artoil.
and the last occurrec in 1958 Hines 1962:157-195: 270-292).


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matic and geograpnica: conditions for Operation Crossroads. Ironically. some or the same factors of geography and environment
whicn had limited tre Bikimians’ contact with the outside world
caused an abrupt eng :o the:r isolation and thrust them into the
mainstream of events of tie twentieth century. Further, the
Christianity which the wsianders had accepted from Americans
was emploved to convince :nem or the necessity of their relocatron.
The Bikinians’ :nitial re!ocation was accomplished swiftly
and witn little planning. The military governor ot the Marshals
obtained the consent ot the Bikinians’ paramount chief to move
lis subjects. On Sunaav. February 10, 1946 the governor, members ot his statt. and tne paramount cniet arrived at Bikini bv
seaplane. After tne morning church services had been concluded.
cne Bikinians were agdressea by the governor. According to his
own account. he drew upon the Bible and:

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trom ail sea and air routes. In jate January, 1946. navyofficials
in Washington. D.C. announced tnar Bikini Atoll fulfilled ail cli


and political leaders began pianning nuclear experiments to gather
¥militarv and scientitic knowiedge. Attention soon focused on the
question of the etfects ot nuciear weapons emploved against naval
vessels (Hines 1962:21 . A pair of tests given the code name of
Operation Crossroads was pianned. and in November of 1945 a
search for an approoriate site began.” It had to be located in an
area controlled by the United States and was to be uninhabited
or have a small popuiation wnich could be easily relocated. The
site had to be in a c:imatic zone tree trom storms and cold temperatures, and have a .arge and sheltered anchorage for a fleet of
target vessels. The canger cf radioactive contamination required
a site Gistant from neaviis tooulated areas and at ‘east 500 mules

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Environmental and Historical Setting


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Select target paragraph3