Chapter Four

Ronperth tid RK wayalern


ind the four Brhinians were returned co Ronpenk to consult wath
heir fellows and decide Wpon their firse anal second chotees fora

new home, ‘The paramount chief was consuted, and he respond
:d with a document offering the Bikinians land at cither pie or
Wotheo bods of which were in his domam. On fuly 25, che dika
mans made a written reply to the military government:
To the Office at K wajalean

have 4 bovasen

the place where lw Bt to live on anil



island of Ebbetyu and Enelamoy (Ujac). These we have all aprced

But new t have been thinking, since these move will be the
lase move and the place we po to will be our home forever and eves
therefore we wish to be removed to an atoll where there ace no other
people. These is what we ask of you but we will do whatever you'll
say (Ibid.).

During the same month, the Marshalls and other ishands of

the former League of Nations Japanese Mandate became che Unit
ed States Trust Territory of the Pacihie fslands within the frame

work of the United Nations Trusteeship Council The miliary
povernment was ended, but as an taterim measure, the navy was
delegated the responsibility for che new civil administration ual
authority was transferred to a civilian agency. With the creation
of the Trust Territory, however, the welfare of the ishinders be
came subject to the scrutiny of international representatives of
the Trusteeship Council, and the resettlement of the Bikinians

was po lonper a matter that could be handled discreetly by ayen

cies. of che United Scates government (Mason 1954551 4).
Concurrent with these events, dhe situation at Ronpercth bor
ther decenioraced.

A medical officer whe accom panicd al


field trip co the atoll reported that che Bikinis were “veably

suffering from malnuceition” (Ibid). The council’s anbivalent

response had not helped solve the problem, and in another at

tempt to convince the Bikinians thac a recur home was impos:
square miles; its lagoun covers 36,6 square. miles. Io the latter pare of the

1940s, its population was between thirty to furty islanders (Bryan 19721

142 143; Mason 1954: 310),

Bikii ealy. Augen
af ban1
y spen
t wast,
Isthation's idea backfired. Bikinis was
occupied by a team of set
cHtists involved tothe Bikini Resu
rvey, #twomonth boup iavese

bation of the effects of the atomic tests
. The presence a the h


From the Council of Rongerik


stble and that i was nec eosiry foom
ake a decision about chem da
ture, the povermor of the Marshall
s Mew oto Bekine with fused anil
me Sate Uhiee Bikintians who had
accommpantiod: hint on the eat

suppested co the Bikinians that hun
ny could live on
the Acoll without harm. Further,
more chan a your had ela seca
staee the nucheat tests, and the lapoo
iu’s marine fauna ap ested
healthy and abundane. Unexploited
trees were laden with bo us
mits, and the only change che isla
nders “.. professed to mottee

was the presente ofa ew
plane, Papaya, the secals
of which hh.

have been introduc ed during Cros
sroads" (tines 1902-04)

Hint Aupust, the Board took Juda
and the same Hite mea
to Ujelang. ‘the atoll is located in
Horthern Ralik (see Map |
Pepe FO). Te had been a commercially
operated copia ant ition
before World War Hand had been
terstideabrceal fers seven ' : : :
Phe ikanians thouphe it “nice” and
were returned to Konperk
with their observations. On August
26, the peaple in Miva a





ws the council have held a meet
ing to find the best place ta Be
| . have: been to some other
places tu Inspe
ct and have consid
cree’ hem In movi. ng

we find it quite a problem. The place
we alt

agreed to stay on is Rongerik Atoll Rec

Bou...” 1947),



(Records of Procecdings ofa

The civilian member of the Board
was replaced by another
an agriculturalist, who conducted
a survey of Ronperih. Kili Ui,
and Ujelang. tis report substant
iated the Bikinians lepurts, Neo
erik's resources had grown so low
chat the islanders had be vin ur
cutting down young palms to eat
the heart, a progressively de
structive procedure which could
only reduce future harvests rH

ist described the islanders as a defeated

, frustrated "
poverty-stricken people who thought of
home only as Bikini “In
his opinion, theie departure from Rongerik
had already been tun

long delayed. tle judged Ujelang's resources
as adequate and ree


Select target paragraph3