Chapter Four

Ronjperik anal KRwapehon

a sinall sum for their labor. tt was hoped that this ananpement
would give the people a cash reserve and permit direct: supervision
of their work. With the construction of concrete cisterns, the vil
lage was considered virtually finished, and all Americans departed

thon of

of replacing the canvas coverings of the tent frames with pandanus

Food provided by the Americans was sufficient doa several

weeks. The community's small score was well stocked. AbD tools
and surplus materials left from the construction work were piven
to the Bikinians. They also received a radio receiver and a pase




atoll, ‘This MIspIcton was remfor

which it is hoped the natives will admire and perhaps use. The natives
are delighted, enthusiastic about the atomic bomb, which already has
brought them prosperity and a new promising future (Honolula Star

Bulletin, April 1, 1946, quoted trom Mason 1954:283).

the IMIpresston that
the people were enpape
d tbh hetle Lon a |

The resetthement’s initial weeks were something of a honey

live activity,

moon period. In addition to the American supplied food, the (i

Other evidence Indicates,

r, that the Ish
“ms were attempting to extend
the planting of coconut and
: Ne
anus to Increase Rongerik’s
resource base (Kiste 1968:56)

kinians collected a rich harvest of coconuts and pandanus from
trees which had long been unexploited except by small parties of
Rongelabese which had occasionally visited the atoll. As soon as

administration also feared
chat Ineffect

ive leaderstn
was the source of some of the
islanders’ croubles As Jud
cession to the chieftainship
had been recent and cont .
suffered under the handicap
of his own INeEX pericnee “and
| "
probably didi not have the
support of the faction whi
lh ch dha a a I

the people began co subsist on focal foods, it became apparent
that Rongerik’s resources had been greatly overestimated, and
were, in fact, inadequate. The coconuts were smaller than those

to which the people were accustomed, and it was discovered that

both the palms and pandanus trees were less productive than chose

were edible at Biking ivate in Rongerik’s waters. Consump-


oa I visite,
Rongenth whe reported a lack of
acuity and enthitets ' wh "
iy Openinon Crossroads, Ron
pertk was a site show f "A
cans tivolved inthe main even
t at Bikint. Sea pl ines wl
Cedi back and forth between
Kwajalein an Wiki, tre ' i
} i
handed at Ronperik for the bene
fit of some official satty
newsmen. “The Bikinians Bre
w accustomed to their visiters
took full advantage of their
appearances to exchange I
for Cigarettes, money, and oche
r items. Such ue casions lite
ted the islanders’ normal rout
ine, and visitors went aw

The Seabees built a model village on Rongerik that anyone would be

er marine fauna in the lagoon proved to be poor in comparison to”
Bikini, and the people learned that certain species of fish which


Hin ho upow the Bovermment
and were Hot makiny in 4
adjust to the

proud to live in, complete down to Chick Salers of the latest model,

not available for copra. The quantity and quality of fish and oth-


sed HHatety over Ronperik
's resources and Inade the
fina a
their Hetty requests to be
redianed home. Che client
Sispected, however, that
they were Lepesant tir cdepo
enael ba

line generator so they could keep abreast of developments at Bi
kim. A press release issued by naval auchouties reported that the
relocation was an unqualified success,

of Bikini. All coconuts were required for subsistence; surplus was

fish caused stomach

Other dithculties were cheoun
tored Adter exlautstinp
ply carried frou Bikini, the
islanders found that the fiber
4 can
the husks of Ronperik's Coconu
ts was of stich poor quale
it could bot be processed into
durable senuit. As a result.
; i"
dwellings rennained unthatche
d and GAHOG Tepains were not
fess than two months after
then artivel, the Wikintans .

by the end of the month. The Bikinians were left with the cash



puralyses al the limbs.



withee weamenen i quite com
mon in the Pacilic; a species of
fish eaten
There iene none lace c inay
cause illness, sometimes tatal, in anot
offish, bee ee et
be leve



' at the pos

oning originates ia the dies
ver Us source, its chemical
nacure is nknown (Wiens 1962


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