induced thyroid disorders, for the death of Lekoj Anjain, for addi-

tional "inconvenience" payments to the people of Utirik, and for the
two $25,000 funds as described previously.

This legislation shall be

open-ended and a procedure shall be: established whereby payments can be
provided to those additional persons who may develop illnesses in the
future after the individual compensation recommended in this report is

The Trust Territory Government, in conjunction with the United

States Congress shall establish within the annual grant fund appropriations,

funds as described above.

The money for these two $25,000 funds shall not

come out of the normal budgetary ceiling for the civil administration of the
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, but shall be in addition to such
ceiling/s/ and no part of the funds shall be subject to transfer to another
account or project by the High Commissioner, or any other government official.
Furthermore, there shall be no limit of time that this fund shall be available annually shall be subject to amendment according to the needs of the

people and economic effects including, but not limited to, inflation.

Should the United States Government fail or prove unwilling to

follow these specific guidlines for compensation, the Committee recommends
that the people of Rongelap and Utirik engage legal cousel, such as that



offered by the Micronesian Legal Services Corporation, and that this legal
counsel file a class action suit against the United States Government to
recover the amounts suggested by the Committee to be used in the manner
suggested by the Committee, or any amounts to be used in any manner as

deemed appropriate by the people of Rongelap and Utirik.


Select target paragraph3