
Because of the persisting concern by the exposed and unexposed

people of Rongelap and Utirik alike concerning the consumption of all
local food on their islands and atolls and concerning living on said
islands and atolls, it is strongly recommended that the United States
Government sponsor an

independent, internationally~staffed radioecolo-

gical survey of the Rongelap and Utirik Atolls and to present the find-

ings and conclusions

in the MarshalleseLanguageto the people of Ronge-

lap and Utirik.

Assuming that funds are established for the Rongelap and Utirik

Atolls as recommended, it is recommended that agencies of the Trust Territory Government including, but not limited to, the Divisions of Community

Development, Marine Resources, and Agriculture give technical and such
other advice as may be necessary and proper to the people of Rongelap and
Utirik in utilizing money from these funds to the best possible community

It is recommended that the Special Joint Committee continue to assist

the people of Rongelap and Utirik by providing information to them concerning its recommendations and concerning the. exposure of the people and of the
two atolls and damages caused thereto, for the express purpose of forwarding
this information or assisting in any way possible such legal counsel as the

people may engage should events warrant legal proceedings. The Committee shall
also assist the Marshall Islands District Government, including the Nitijela,
in taking greater role in handling future claims or complaints of the people
of Rongelap and Utirik.


Select target paragraph3