For all other damages and injuries, of persons and of properties,
past and future, the Committee recommends the following: a fund of indeterminate life in the amount of $25,000 per annum for the Rongelap
Atoll and a fund of indeterminate life in the amount of $25,000 for
Utirik Atoll be established as in addition to, but part of, the annual

Grant Fund Appropriations from the United States Congress.

This money

will be used to fund community projects on the atolis of Rongelap and
Utirik as voted and determined by the municipal councils of the islands.
Provision shall be made to replenish in the succeeding fiscal year from
the annual grant fund appropriations, any amount which has been expended
or obligated from the preceding fiscal year, in order that the amount
available at the beginning of each fiscal year will be $25,000.

It is

felt by the Committee that such a fund will help to compensate the people
for their personal phvsical and propriatary losses or damages which
they have actually suffered, and also for those damages which cannot be

specifically determined; it is also designed to help promote selfsufficiency, rather than more dependence as might be possibly encouraged
by monthly or other periodic payments of small sums of money; it is
further designed to encourage those Rongelapese and Utirikese who have
emmigrated from their islands to district centers and other areas in

search of employment, to return to their homes.
In light of the above, the Committee recommends that;


The United States Congress authorize and appropriate money to pay

compensation to the Rongelapese who have had operations for radiation-



Select target paragraph3