fallout from the barge shots Flathead and Navajo was much less znd variations in abundance were not grezter than a factor of two (Reference 54),


Analytical data on cloud samples from these four events corroborated the

fallout results (References 50 and 51).
Some radiochemical anzlyses have been performed on p2rticles of
different sizes from certain balloon shots (Reference 52),

In Boltzmenn

of Operation PLUMBBOB, both the sr®?, Mo?? and sr?9, Mo?? ratios
were a factor of two greater in 22 micron pzrticles than in 137-micron

in smaller particle s

Enrichment of sre F/y
was also found in two other balloon shots,

Hood and Wilsong

1.2.8 Fractionation Effects (II): Relations among the R-Va2lues
for we
Several Radionuclides,

As noted above, $ some scattered observations

on fractionation were reported from the earlier tests, but it was not until
Operation REDWING that enough data became available to investigate the
separation ef verious nuclides from one =nother in any detail,

At event

Tewa of this operation, six pzrticle samples were collected from different
locations in the cloud and subsequently analyzed for sround thirty nuclides,
From this work, relations among the R-values for the products became
apparent which seem to be of significance for understanding the fallout
formstion process (Reference 55),

The R-values for the substances studied

(cormalized to give unit intercept on the axis of ordinates) were plotted


Select target paragraph3