
in water sam les

little fractionstion We ‘foundfer the one

- (Reference 34),

device detonated in detp water


At Operation GREENHOUSE it was noted that the exponent of the
beta decay curve increased from 0.95 to 1,3 with median particle size
for samples teken frem the clouds at Dog, Ezzy and Able shots,

This in-

dicates that the cloze-in particles are enriched in fast decaying components
with respect to the more distant fallout (Reference 53).

For JANGLE surface shots, prcenounced cepleticn of chains 89, 115, 111
and 140 referred to Mo?? was observed in compering leng-range with local
fallout samples,

Chains 144 and 95 were not fractionated,

Still more ex-

tensive ruclide separation was found for the urdergroznd shot with al the

above chzins shewing depletion in the crater arez (Reference 53).
Ona Shot 6 at TUMBLER-SNAPPER the groas decay exportnt decreased steadily with distance from ground zero up te seventy miles
(Reference 53},

Radiochemical dats from CASTLE Brave showed fractionation of
sr’? and Ba? #0 with respect to Mo?’, but none for ce! *4 (Reference 53).
In the land Shots Zuni and Tewa of Optration REDWING, depletion
of c3137, Sr70 and pe l32 was found in the close-in fallout with miximum
factors of 100, 13 and 7 (Reference 54).

These depletion factors became

smaller with increasing distence from the shot paint,


Fractionation of the

Select target paragraph3