



rates are present, as is the case for surface or underground shots where the
fireball contacts the ground, the loca) fallout will be large.

Local fallout can

be expected to decrease as the detonation height increases and become a

negligible quantity for an air burst high above the ground.
Numerous estimates of local fallout have been prepared at previous

Operations, mainly from analyses of radiation intensity data obtained in
acrial and surface monitoring surveys.

However, the uncertainties in con-

verting from dose rate measurements to fission products deposited per unit

area are so great that the results cannot be regarded with a great deal of

More reliable values are evidently needed and in planning for

Operation HARDTACK, the AEC examined possible ways of obtaining such
information (Reference 1).

After consideration of the difficulties inherent

in additional refinement of surface measurement techniques, this approach

was abandoned,

An alternative program based on further development of

existing cloud sampling procedures was formulated (Reference 2) and this
culminated in Project 2.8.
A knowledge of fallout partition and how it is influenced by shot
environment may contribute to reduction in world-wide fallout at future
tests and to a better understanding of the military implications of local

It will also assist in extrapolation to previously untried shot con-

ditions and yields,


Select target paragraph3