


but they are also important for an appraisal of the effects of nuclear weapons
used in warfare,

It has been recognized since the earliest weapons tests that a substantial portion of the radionuclides formed in a nuclear detonation are
deposited throughout the world, thereby becoming available for general

biological assimilation,

The totz] fallout is usually considered as being

divided into two classes, designzted as loc2l and world-wide fallout.


general way, local fallout is thought of 2s consisting of relatively large
particles, which reach the earth's surface in a few hours, where2s world

wide fallout is composed of finely-divided materi2l which may remain suspended in the atmosphere for months or years and be deposited at long distances from the sources

A more precise differentiztion is needed for

specific situations, one of the most important considerations being the location of the detonation site in relation to world centers of population,


explosions at the Pacific Proving Grounds, the boundary between the two
classes has been chosen at a particle falling velocity of 3 inches per second;
m2teri@l settling out more slowly than this is likely to be transported beyond
the ocean arezs and deposited in inhebited regions, if it attains an altitude of
190,000 ft.
The ratio of local to world-wide fallout is/governed by the heiynt at tained by
the nuclear cloud and the size distribution
/ of the particles in the nuclear cloud which act as collectors for the
radioactive fission-product ztoms,

If many large particles with fast falling


Select target paragraph3