Rochester Tcxicity Studies

Dr, Albert continued by discussing thc

_current tcxicologic problems under study at Rochestcr.

He explained

that the Knolls Leboratory had asked them to look into some of the
current problems on rare earths, gadclinium, samarium, etc.

Sandia hac

asked that some toxicolcgical studies be dene of indium, bcth in the
non-radicactive state and also indium 1h.

Dr, flbcrt stated alse that the Labcratory at Rcechestcr plans to
get some stucics going on mercury for Oak Ridgc, because there are

levels of mercury vapor in the air at thc separation plant for the
lithium isctcpes which are pretty high, anc thcy have had about 30

or hO cases of albuminuria.

Oak Ridge Neticnal Laboratory is making

some stremous cfforts to cut down the exposure ccncentrations by increascd ventilation and cleaning up the area.

However, they arc still

worriec about the lcng term toxicity of mercury vapor,
Gasecus Diffusion Plant

Dr. Fly reportcd that at the instance cf the

Division of Reactor Development he visited the Portsmouth arca (Ohio)

for the purpose cf locking into several prcblems at the Gascous Diffusion

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