with our interest in the well being of these friendly peoples.
Dr. Glass pointed out that it weuld be 2 gocd chanee tc get some

kind of cheek on what the NAS pancl is cmphasizing, the dominant cffect
of what arc commcnly called reecssive genes.

Dr. Dunham said that he would keep Dr, Glass? suggestion in mind
and seo what typc of study can be conc.
otetus Report
ne AT,

Dr, Albert reported on his recent trip to Johannesburg,
Africa, where he went to investigate the pcssibility of

obtaining evidence on radcn expusures of thc mincrs.
He said that an attempt was madc to spot these mines which would
be representative.

<A mine was selcctcd which mined cnly uranium, one

which minca golc and one which mined both uranium and pold.

Dr. Albert stated in summary that the Scuth African gold mining

Situation appears to have the pessibility of making a useful contributic >
toward cur ideas as tc what individuals can tolcrete in the way of long
term exposure tc radon an? daughter products.
and the expcsurcs there are appreciable.
-~ 22.


the populetion is large

Select target paragraph3