Dr. Bugher said that "I think tho direct visit of this survcy
team mist have hal a very uplifting cffect as far as the enthusiasm

of the people at the ABCC are concerned."
Status Report
Rongelap Natives

Dr. Dunham referred to his statement which he had

forwarded to Dr, Libby on April 19, 1956 concerning

the rcturn cf the Rongelap pecple to their home atoll.

(Ccpy of state--

ment sont to the Committee members May , 1956)
He said that it is now planned tc return the natives as soon after
completion of Operation Rcdwing as it can be accomplished, subject
however, to a resurvey of the island so as to be sure that the test
activitics themselves have not altered the picture,

In connection with

the discussion Dr. Glass pointed out that here was a very small pcpulation expcsed to a very high dose of radiation,

Dr. Dunham stated

that there were 64 people who were on the Island of Rongelap that

received 175r and 18 on Ailingnae who received 75r.
Dr, Glass stated "this is an ideal situation to make ycur genctic

It is far more significant than anything you cculd ever get out

of Hircoshime anc Nagasaki."

After a full discussion, Dr. Dunham said there was no reason why
the study cculd nct be carric! cut sinee it would not be inconsistent
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