Shielding Studies - Japan
Trip Report - Mr, Corsbie

Mr. Corsbie told of the recent trip of the
survey team to Hiroshima and Nagasaki fcr

“the purpose of obtaining first hand information on kinds cf shielding

data collected by the ABCC on individuals cxposed tc the atomic detcnations of August, (Zeon to asscss the data with the cbjective of
carrying out laboratory and full scalc ficld tests in the Unitcd States

to establish the radiation deses reecived by indivicuals exposed to the
radiation cffects.

He stated that "it was the concensus cf the team that the shiclding studics have been carcfully ccnducted and a significant amount of
reliable information has been collectcd on individuals, their location
at burst time, and materials contributing to the attemuation of neutrecn

and gamma radiation reccived by these individuals."
He felt that he would be derelict in his dutics if he didn't
stress the fact that the data collectcd from Hiroshima and Nagasaki

are of the greatest impcrtance for national self protection.
Dr, Warren remarked that he was vory happy to learn that the shiceliing studies are going aheac rapidly, and the matter of preservation of
records being cxpecited,
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