Radicisotopes Training


Mr, Haggerty explained that a proposal haa

been rcecived in the Division from the

University of Washington in which there is pointed cut the inadequate

previsions for the training of the mccical stuccnt in beth practical
expericnee and the basic prinicples and techniques in using radcioisctopes and requesting funds for this purpose.

Mr. Haggerty inquire.

of the Crmmittcce their views as to the advisability «f the Division
supporting such enterpriecs in the varicus medical schocls.

Dr. Shilling reported on a conference held with representatives
of the Naticnal Institutes cf Health, Dr. Ernest Allan and Dr, Ralph
Meador, and Dr. Harry Kelly cf the Naticnal Science Foundation in which
the problem was considered.

Hc said that it was the fecling cf the NIH

that they would not and could nct undcrtake suppcrt of this type o

Hc stated furthor that Dr. Kelly was very familiar with the

whole mattcor anc has been working on it for a number of years, hcwever,
it was his fecling and that of Dr. Palmquist of the National Science
Foundation that training activities dealing with radicisctopes certainly
should be supperte? by the AEC and not by the NSF,
Dr, Shilling said that "if we activate the propcsal that Mr. Haggerty

has presented, cthers will ask fcr the same."


Select target paragraph3