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Washington 25, B.C.

4 Jame 1947

Sclentifie kesurwey of Bikini

> <> a a 2 a aw a of 68 ot ow of om 6 ow om o® of ew aw ot 8 a 2 ee oe on ee oe ae

the processes involved in accumulation end transfer of these

materials by organisms it will be essential te have the ser

wioes of seversl competent radie chemists on the expedition.
The radiochemical investigations should be undertaken under
the leadership of scientists competent to deal both sith the
chemistry of radioactive fiesion products and with prohless
ef plant nutrition and soil chemistry. Discussions with
leaders in these various ficlds hive shom that such s cumbination of scientifie abilities is very rare. From these
Giscussions it is evident thet the outstanding specialists

in problems of this type are irs. k. L. Overstreet and Louis

Jacobson of the College of Agriculture of the University of

California. Dr. Overstreet participated in last sumier's

tests at Bikini «and contributed results of major isportance.
Acoordingtly, the Secretary of the Navy has re,nested President Sproul of the University of California to authorise

Drs. Overstreet and Jacobson to take part in the expedition.

I% vould be very helpful if the chairman of the Atonie
Energy Comnission would endorse this re.uest from the Seoretary of the Navy; a proposed draft of a letter for Mr.
Lilionthal's signature is enclosed.


Ifdrs. Overstrest and Jacobson can be made


Estiaztes of ths magnitude of the probless

aveilable hy the University of California it ie believed
that financial arrangenents for their services and procurement of necessary ¢juipsent could be adst expeditiously
hendied thru the Atouic Energy Comaiscion contract sith the
Radiation Laboratory of the University af California.
involved indicate thet approximately four radio ehenists
in addition to Professors Overstreet and Jacobeon will be
re.uired at Bikini. The cooperation of the Commission is

Fejuested in procuring the services of these scientists
and eiuipaent fer their use from laboratories under its


Gognizance. If this rejuest is agreeable to the Comission
4t is proposed that detailed arrangements be made directly
between representatives of the Commission cnd the Joint
Crossroacs Committee Project Officer, Captein GC. L. Engleman,

UEN, or his representatives.

Captain Fuglemen’s office is

in Koom T3-<038 of the Navy Departuent; his telephones extension
is 3597.

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