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Filet Ail

Bashington 25, B. ©.

Seriealt 097


-& Smme 1947

Sclentific Resurvey ef Bikini
Deterninstions of the concentration and kind

ef radioactive anterinis in the animals and plants of the
atoll and the effects of this radioactivity on the orgasisaa,

Physiclogiesl, geological and oceanographic
studies of orgenisms and reef building processes in order

to gain basie information for better understanding of the

possible biological effects of Operction Crossroads.

Detailed observations of eertain sunken ahipe
including the. Saretoga, Nagate, Pilotfish and Apogon, which

could not be adejuctely examined during August 1946 because

of difficult diving eonditions resulting from high levels

of radioactivity in the bottom muds and from other causes.
Attempta will dso be aade to retrieve three pressure neasuring instruments and one time recording ionisation chamber
from the Nagate.

Detailed analysis has shoen that records

from these instruments are highly lapertant to an adejuate
unaerstanding of shock pressure jhenonema and radicactivity
concentrations resuiting from test Baker.


in connection vith the work outlined under subabove, the U. &. Geolegical Survey, the Fish and Wild Life
Service of the Departaent of the Interisr, the Snithsonian
Institution of Oceanography, have all indicated
informally a desire to take part in the expedition.

The cooperation of the Atomic Energy Conmizsion is rejuested im planning and conducting this resurvey.
In partiouler it is considered essential that Dr. L. B
Donaldson end his associates of the University of Vashing-—
ton, who are carrying out radioblologicsl stadiea of fiah
and other organiszs for the Commission, shovld participate
in the expedition. These scientists took part in the wark

at Bikini during the sumer of 1946; preliminary discussions

with Dr. Donaldson indicate that they desire to underteke

additions! observations this summer in order to study pas-

sible long term offecta of the radioactive materials released in the underwater burst on the organisaus of the atoll.

In order to determine the distribution of dif-

ferent fission products and other redicactive materials end



Select target paragraph3