
However, if this is a subcontract which permits lower tier subcontractors
to appeal

final decisions of

the representative bP the ERDA authorized to

supervise and administer performance of the Contractor's
prime contract
directly to the ERDA or its duly authorized represensgeive, then the
Subcontractor shall include the substance of Parag



as well.

In any case where a subcontractor or a lower-tier subcontractor
detennines that the Disclosure Statement in Geation is privi-

leged and confidential and declines to proki e it to its Con-

' tractor or higher-tier subcontractor, the “Contractor may autho~-

rize direct submission of that subcontractor's Disclosure

Statement to the same Covernment offices to which the Contractor
was required to make submission of its Disel® re Statement.

Such, authorization shall in no way reliev@the Subcontractor or

lower-tiex subcontractor of liability as provided in paragraph
a.5. of this Article.
In view of the foregoing and since the
Subcontract or lower-tier subcontract may be syaject to adjustment under this Article by reason of any fail
to comply with
rules, regulations, and standards of the CosE— Accounting Standard
Board in connection with covared subcontracts, it is expected
that. the Subcontractor or lower-tier subcontractor may wish to
include an Article in each such subcontractcke&quiring the
Lower~tier subcontractor to appropriatel CMideani fy the Subcontractor.
However, the inclusion of such an Article and the
terms thereof are matters

for negotiation and agreement between

the Subcontractor and the lovar-tier subce
actor, provided
that they do not conflict with the duti MOE the Subcontractor
under its subcontract with the Government.

The terms defined in 331.2 of Part 331 of Title 4, Code of Federal Regulations (4 CFR 331.2) shall have the same meanin
As there defined,

“negotiated subcontract" means “any subcontrage“except a firm, fixed-

price subcontract made by a Contractor or sudtontractor after receiving
offers from at least two firms not associated with each other or such
Contractor or subcontractor, providing (1) the So Re aeien to all competing firms is identical, (2) price is tha only
sideration in-selecting
the subcontractor from among the competing firm§) Solicited, and (3) the

lowest offer received in compliance with the solicitation from anong
those solicited is accepted.’




The Subcontractor shall require. under the situations described in 2.
below, unless exempted under the exceptions set forth in 3. below,
each lower-tier subcontractor under this Subcontract to submit cost
or pricing data and to certify that, to che best of its knowledge
and belief, such cost or pricing data are accurate, complete, aad


Select target paragraph3