file a Disclosure Statement but is reqwyred pursuant to
3. above to change an established praetice, then an


equitable adjustment shall sinilark@be agreed to.



Negotiate with the cognizant Contracting Officer to deternine




terms and conditions under which any Disclosure.

Statement change other: than changes under 4.(a) above may


be made.
A change to a Disclosure Stactedent may be
proposed by either the Government or thy Subcontractor;


PROVIDED, however, that no agreement @iy be made under
this provision that will increase costs paid by the
United States under this Subcontract.



Agree to an adjustment of the contract price oxfeost allowance,

as appropriate, if it or a lower-tier subcontractor fails to
comply with an applicable Cost Accounting Standard or to
follow any practice disclosed pursuant to subpapagraphs iL. and
2. above and such failure results in any incredsed costs paid
- by the United States.
Such adjustment shalprovide for


recovery of the increased costs to the United States together
with interest thereon computed at the ratejetermined by the

Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to Pure Law 92-41, 85
Stat. 97, or 7 percent per annum, whichefer is less, from the
time the payment by the United States was made to the time the
adjustment is effected-

If the parties fail to agree whether the<subcontractor or a lower-tier

subcontractor has complied with an applycable Cost Accounting

Standard, rule, or regulation of the Uést Accounting Standards

Board and as to any cost adjustment demanded by the United States,
Such failure to agree shall be a dispute concerning a question of

fact within the meaning of the "Disputes" Artgcte of this Subcontracr.

The Subcontractor shall permit any authoriaet representatives of

the Head of the Agency of the Cost AccounNng Standards Board, or

of the Comptroller General of the United States to examine and make
copies of any documents, papers, or records relating to compliance

with the requirements of this Article.



The Subcontractor shall include in all negotiated lower-tier sub-

contracts which it enters into the substance of ghis Article except
paragraph b. and shall require such inclusion Firs all other lower-tier
subcontracts of any tier, except that this re@fircaent shall apply
only to negotiated subcontracts in excess of $100,000 where Che

price negotiated is not based on:

| Established catalog or market prigpgs of commercial items sold
in substantial quantities to théeneral public, or

Prices set by law or xgPulacion.






Select target paragraph3