

Unless the Cost Accounting Standards Board has Kscribed rules or
regulations exempting the Subcontractor or th@Y Subcontract from
Standards, rules, and regulacions promulgated pursuant to 50 USC
App. 2168 (Public Lew 91-379, August 15, 1970), the Subcontractor,
in connection with this Subcontract, shall:

By submission of a Disclosure Statement, Serose in weiting


its cost accounting practices as requir&Y by regulations of
the Cost Accounting Standards Board.
The reauired disclosures
must be made prior to subcontract award unless the ERDA Contracting Officer provides a written notice rfp the Subcontractor

authorizing postaward submission in accorghice with regulations °

of the Cost Accounting Standards Board. Othe practices disclosed


for this Subcontract shall ba the same as the practices currently
disclosed and applied on all other contracts and subcontracts

being performed by the Subcbntractor and whigeg,contain this
Cost Accounting Standards Article. If the SeBcontractor has
notified the Contracting Officer that the Osclosure Statement

contains trade secrets and commercial or financial information

which is privileged and confidential, the Disck%sure Statement
will be protected and will not be released o
ide of the

Follow consistently the cost accounting practices disclosed
pursuant to 1. above in accumulating and repasting contract
performance cost data concerning this Sub@petract. - If any
change in disclosed practices is made fo:Ypurposes of any
contract or subcontract subject to Cost Accounting Standards
Board requirements, the change must be applied prospectively
to this Subcontract, and the Disclosure Sea gene must be

amended accordingly.

LE the subcontract pyx¥e or cost allowance

of this Subcontract is affected by such @inges, adjustment

shall be made in accordance with subparagraph 4. or 5. belaw, .
as appropriate.

Comply with all Cost Accounting Standards in effect on the
‘date of award of this Subcontract or if the Subcontractor has

submitted cost or pricing daca, A the date of final agreement

on price as shown on the Subcqanittactor's signed certificate of

current cost or pricing data. The Subcontractor shall also
comply witi any Cast Acocunting Stan

fq which hereafter

becomes applicable to a contract oxysubcontract of the Subcontractor.
Such compliance shall berequired prospectively From
the date of applicability to such contract or subcontract.





Agree to an equitable adjustment 28 provided in the

"Changes" Article of this Subcon
ft if the subeentract
cost is affected by a Disclosur@tatement change which

the Subcontractor is required tO
maka pursuant to 3.
If the Subcontractor has not been required to




Select target paragraph3