Chapter 3~Containing Underground Nuclear Explosions ¢ 43

point room, a muffler, a modified auxiliary closure

Figure 3-6—Vessel|

(MAC), a gas seal auxiliary closure (GSAC), and a

Vessel 1

tunnel and pipe seal (TAPS). All these closures are

End of stemming
€— Bypass drift

hee HOS rift


Working point







Test chamber

End of stemming

Key: GSAC =gas seal auxiliary closure; MAC = modified auxiliary
closure; TAPS =Tunnel and pipe seal
The HLOS Vessei | is designed to protect the experimental
equipment after allowing radiation to trave! down the pipe.
SOURCE: Modified trom Defense Nuclear Agency.

the test chamber.24 The entire pipe is vacuum
pumpedto simulate the conditions of space and to
minimize the attenuation of radiation. The bypass

drift (an access tunnel), located next to the line of

sight pipe, is created to provide accessto the closures
and to different parts of the tunnel system. These
drifts allow for the nuclear device to be placed in the
zero room and for late-time emplacementof test
equipment. After the device has been emplaced at
the working point, the bypass drift is completely
filled with grout. After the experiment, parts of the
bypass drift will be reexcavated to permit access to
the tunnel system to recoverthe pipe and experimental equipment.

The area around the HLOSpipe is also filled with
grout, leaving only the HLOS pipe as a clear
pathway between the explosion and the test chamber. Near the explosion, grout with properties similar
to the surrounding rock is used so as notto interfere
with the formation of the stress containment cage.
Near the end of the pipe strong grout or concreteis
used to support the pipe and closures. In between,
the stemming is filled with super-lean grout designed to flow under moderate stress. The super-lean
grout is designedto fill in and effectively plug any
fractures that may form as the ground shock
collapses the pipe and creates a stemmingplug.
Asillustrated in figure 3-6, the principal components of an HLOSpipe system include a working
24On occasion, the diameterofthe pipe has increased to 20 feet.

installed primarily to protect the experimental equipment. The closures are designed to shut off the pipe
after the radiation created by the explosion has
traveled down to the test chamber, but before
material from the blast can fly down the pipe and
destroy the equipment.
The working point room is a box designed to
house the nuclear device. The muffler is an expanded region of the HLOSpipethat is designed to
reduce flow down the pipe by allowing expansion
and creating turbulence and stagnation. The MAC
(figure 3-7(a)) is a heavy steel housing that contains

two 12-inch-thick forged-aluminum doors designed
to close openings up to 84 inches in diameter. The
doors are installed opposite each other, perpendicular to the pipe. The doors are shut by high pressure
gas that is triggered at the time of detonation.
Although the doors close completely within 0.03
seconds (overlapping so that each door fills the
tunnel), in half that time they have metin the middle
and obscure the pipe. The GSACis similar to the
MACexceptthatit is designed to provide a gas-tight
closure. The TAPS closure weighs 40 tons and the
design (figure 3-7(b)) resembles a large toilet seat.
The door, which weighsup to 9 tons, is hinged on the
top edge and held in the horizontal (open) position.
Whenthe dooris released, it swings down by gravity
and slams shut in about 0.75 seconds. Any pressure
remaining in the pipe pushes on the door making the
seal tighter. The MAC and GSACwill withstand
pressures up to 10,000 pounds per square inch. The
TAPSis designed to withstand pressures up to !,000
pounds per square inch, and temperatures up to
1,000 °F.
Whenthe explosion is detonated radiation travels
down the HLOS pipe at the speed of light. The
containmentprocess(figure 3-8(a-e), triggered at the
time of detonation, occurs in the following sequence
to protect experimental equipment and contain
radioactive material produced by the explosion:
e After 0.03 seconds(b), the cavity created by the

explosion expands and the shock wave moves
away from the working point and approaches
the MAC. The shock wave collapses the pipe.
squeezing it shut, and forms a stemming
‘*plug.’’ Both the MAC and the GSACshutoff

Select target paragraph3