42 © The Containment of Underground Nuclear Explosions

Figure 3-5-—Three Redundant Containment Vesseis (Plan View)

Three containment vesseis for the Mighty Oak Test conducted in the T-Tunnel Complex.
SOURCE: Modified from Defense Nuclear Agency.

betweenit and the vessel IIT plug is pressurized to
approximately 10 pounds per square inch.
The plugs that separate the vessels are constructed
of high strength grout or concrete 10 to 30 feet thick.
The sides of the vessel II plugs facing the working
point are constructed of stéel. Vessel II plugs are
designed to withstand pressures up to 1,000 pounds
per square inch and temperatures up to 1,000 °F.
Vessel III plugs are constructed of massive concrete
and are designed to withstand pressures up to 500
poundsper square inch and temperatures up to 500

for the presence of the tracer gas. Frequently, the
chimney formed by the explosion is also subjected
to a post-shot pressurization test to ensure that no
radioactive material could leak through the chimney
to the surface.

Before eachtest, the tunnel system is checked for

The structure of vessel I, as shown in figure 3-6,
is designed to withstand the effects of ground shock
and contain the pressure, temperatures, and radiation
of the explosion. The nuclear explosive is located at
the working point, also known as the “zero room.”
A long, tapered, horizontal line-of-sight (HLOS)
pipe extends 1,000 feet or more from the working
point to the test chamber where the experimental

tracers in it. The surrounding area is then monitored

typically increases to about 10 feet before it reaches

leaks. The entire system is closed off and pressurized
to 2 pounds per square inch with a gas containing

equipmentis located. The diameter of the pipe may
only be a few inches at the working point, but

Select target paragraph3