

Kili - Marshall Islands



Will ERDA/AEC contract with other doctors chosen by the Bikini people
and let them usé ERDA equipment?

People need to make a specific proposal and the counselor needs to study

the present program.

We will entertain such a proposal certainly. .

MLSC appreciates Mr. Rays recommendations and when we return in a few
weeks we will have information about contracting with a team of doctors of your
(the people of Kili) choice to study the poison from the bomb.


First while I agree with the others --- the government who is our

protector has not told us which road to take.

I have heard talk of medical surveys

with blood samples and I don't think we will do more for the US.

We have done so muc?:

To return and be subject to more examinations --- I will not allow myself to be
examined by any doctor.
We are Sure if it is safe.
It's not fair to return now if you're not sure it is
A little more patience and when the government, the AEC, says it is safe,
then we will return.
Elders did you know if we returned these medical examinations would go on?
It 1s sad that our younger people who have gone to school, like Nathan,
forgot the will of the people.
We want to return immediately.
JI would like to make a personal statement.
last few minutes and especially Nathan,

I address all the speakers of the

I cannot offer important American families to live on Bikini but I can express my
During my work in the last 25 years, I have been exposed to much higher
levels than are on Bikini now.
I lived and worked at Bikini several months when
levels were higher than now.
I lived and worked at Enewetak for two years with
levels higher than now.
Although I no longer have children I would not hesitate ta. move them to Bikini.

During the last four years I have devoted my life to returning the peoples of
Bikini and Enewetak.
If I could continue my work on Bikini I would not hesitate
to do this.
There is one thing that bothers me.
send medical teams to examine us.
Iwill carry that message to Washington.
will be done without consent of the people.

The secret plans you have to

There will be no secrets.


There are certain basic facts that you must realize:

People were resettled from Bikini so their Island could be used for tests.

In doing so the Bikini people have hel.ped so much in the US balance of power...
You have suffered much through the years.



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