

Kili - Marshall Islands


We have tried to help the people.
USDA food to help people become self
sufficient. In recognizing your hardships we requested three million dollars
exgratia payment to help out.

You have at your disposal the best medical doctors in the world.

I have followed this discussion since your arrival yesterday.
I have made some conclusions: Some are for going and some are for staying.

There is a great deal of confusion and ignorance, arguments on both sides

whether or not to return.
The government should indicate whether of not it is
There is indecision.
I hope when you return you can tell us it is safe

or unsafe.

You are divided and indecisive and so are we.

On behalf of me and my wife who has been taking pictures which we will
use in your case, thanks so much for your hospitality and sharing your island
with us.
As you know we will return in a few weeks after we go to Saipan to
confer with our central office.
We need to get you the information TTPI and

The material has been available to me for three weeks.


has complete confidence in your ability to go through and understand the technical material and we will have it translated on Saipan.
I will ask ERDA/AEC
to translate technical information so you can understand it.
You have a right
to more information.
MLSC has in the past gone to the US Congress and courts

in the TTPI and US and we are prepared to take all necessary action on behalf

of the people of Kili.

As I told Moses and Nathan in Majuro and Kili people

on board the ship yesterday:

You have had too many lawyers.

I shall continue

to work in your behalf not for six months, one year or two years but until

job is done.


If it is true that Dr. Conard has lied, what procedures should
we take against him?

I met Dr.

Conard three weeks ago; I'm not sure about the information he

has given.
I'm skeptical about information ERDA/AEC has given.
My doubt extends
to Dr. Conard.
<A deep principle of rights of free people is to select their own
doctor, lawyer or counselor.
When Reuben and I return to Kili we will discuss
Dr. Conard.



Those of us who wish to remain can remain on Kili or Jaluit.

If we are

not happy, the government should look for other islands for us to live on.

I want to express mj support to what others have said.
Distad should
listen to his request.
Before we said we wanted to return at the end of the year.
Now I want to amend that to October of this year.

Is-it true that people on Bikini get $55.00 a month?

We provide kerosene, flour, rice that equals $50 and $5 spending money.
The money is from the resettlement fund.
The gas and kerosene are from the
resettlement fund.



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