14 Feb 83


According to Maj. Gen. William W. Hoover, DOE digector of military
application, Roser has placed program management of the Marshaf Islands program
in the OMA division of program support. Hoover then designates the NV as the lead
office to manage this program on a daily basis. The FY 1984] Marshall Islands
funding will be included under the weapons program. NV will be résponsible for the
FY 1985 Marshall Islands budget that will cover LLNL, BNL, H&N

Bnd University of

Hawaii activities. Headquarters staff involved in the Marshall Islands program are
Ralph Ross and Kristine Morris.‘

29 Mar - 4 Apr 83



K. Dean Helms, DOE director of organization and management systems,
recommends on 29 March and William S. Heffelfinger,
E director of

administration, approves on 4 April the transfer of $4.15 million afd 0.25 of a fulltime equivalent position from EP to DP for the Marshall Islands prdgram. According
to Helms, no incumbent of an occupied position qualifies for a diréct transfer under
the Marshall Islands program. Helmsattributes the Marshall Islandg program transfer
to "a result of EP concerns that these program managemerg

compromised their ability to carry out their basic oversight role.“


9 Jun 83


At the request of the DOE/DP the Marshall Islands Plannigg Group (MIPG)
is established at NV. Its purpose is to "review and make recommpndations on the
technical content of our Marshall Islands programs, to ensure ourlegal obligations
were met, and to undertake long-term planning, recognizing the qhanging political
revationsP between our government and that of the Republic }of the Marshall

25 Jun 83

Because of revisions and the conclusion of a subsequenta feementthe U.S.

and the Marshall Islands sign for a second time the COFA and all of its subsidiary

One of these agreements, for the implementation of section 177 of the COFA,

sets forth provisions for the settlement of all claims, for the continugd


by the U.S. of direct medical surveillance and treatment programs|and radiological

monitoring, and for the assumption of responsibility for enforcem@nt of limitations

on the use of affected areas by the RMI with assistance by the U.9.“*

7 Sep 83


The electorate of the Marshall Islands votes to approve the

21 Oct 83


To date the DOI has not provided the DOE with a developrgent plan for the

four-atoll health program and environmental research program.*”

Select target paragraph3