
creates the Bikini Atoll

Rehabilitation Comnfittee (BARC) to

investigate and report to Congress on the feasibility and cost of
Atoll. The BARC is funded by the DOI.‘*
The Marshail Islands Legislature passes a resolution sup

request to the U.S. Congress by the Rongelapese.*”
Jan 83


rahabilitating Bikini

ing a relocation

Committee Print No. 3 prepared by the staff of the] U.S. House of
Representatives Subcommittee on Public Lands and National Parks
the committee reiterate to the administration the congressional intent in P.L. 96-205
that the U.S. provide health care for the Marshallese adversely aff@cted by the U.S.
nuclear tests in the Pacific.‘”
At the suggestion of the DOE assistant general counsel for Benerallitigation,
the deputy assistant secretary for defense programs creates an ifformallitigation
support working group to coordinate litigation support activities.
This group’s work

will include support on cases filed by Marshall Islands inhabitants for claims arising

from the atmospheric nuclear testing in the Pacific.“

11 Jan 83


Assistant Secretary for DP Herman E. Roser concurs in the tfansferring of the
EP Marshall Islands and Dose Assessment Programs to DP with the understanding
that the FY 1984 funding levels of $4.15 million and $1.4 millioh also po to DP
because the FY 1984 DP budget contains no money for these programs.“

26 jan 83


Replying to Tommy McCraw’s critique of the 8-9 Decermber 1982 DOE
meeting with Marshallese at Majuro, Roger Ray denies that repregentatives of the
DOE and contractors made or advocated any change in DOEpolicyjor that he made
statements incompatible with past policy. Ray explains
As to the alleged confusion on the part of our Marshallese
hosts !
would say that if there were not some confusion it would suggest that
we were not communicating effectively. | have never yet ajtended a
public meeting on radiation matters where the complexity of the

subject did not evoke some degree of confusion and concem.
Ray quotes from the meeting transcript to highlight the impfessions of two
Marshallese representatives. A member of the parliamenttells Ray "That we can now
ask things that we want to know and feel comfortable, we want to build on this
relationship of sharing information with each other." At the end of the meetings the
RMI chief secretary, representing the RMI! president, expr
"our extreme

gratitude...for the teams coming....for this kind of setting we are ablefto sit down face
to face...discuss these matters, raise questions and get answers or atileast have them
raised so the answers can be forthcoming eventually.“”

Select target paragraph3