21 Oct - 3 Nov 8&3


The BNL conducts a pediatrics mission to Ebeye and Maj
meetings are held in both Ebeye and Majuro to describe the
questions. The mission examines 190 children in Ebeye and 140

23 Nov 83


The BARC interim report estimates that it will cost about] $100 million and

take twoto four years of on-site effort to resettle the islands of Bikini and Eneu. The

main approaches to decontamination are those permitting resettlement if radioactive
contamination is minimal with the proviso that no local foods ¢qxcept fish will be

eaten for a specified period and the removal of contaminated soil, especially where

radiological contamination is high.“”



The DOE terminates its resident scientific program at En@wetak because of
operational and funding constraints. The DOE continues to maifttain a small field
station at Enewetak to support scientific trips and limited operatidns.“”

31 Jan 84


While expecting the RMI to take over most of t
functions and
responsibilities of the NV Marshall Island Programs, the NV recommends a Marshall
Islands program plan for FY 1985-1989 that recognizes that the

U.S. governmentis

responsible for the lifetime medical care for the 178 remaining indjviduals who were

exposed to radioactive fallout from Castle Bravo. The NV also ad¥ocates continuing

the dose projections for Enewetak and Bikini to support future resegtlement decisions
and a data bank program, a U.S. government repository for all pertinent

environmental and dose assessment information. NV recommends two missions a

year to study plutonium uptake of Rongelap residents and of peopl¢ residing in Bikini
during the 1970s.**'
10 Feb 84

Since last September the MPRL has not had a resident scientist at Enewetak.
Although the laboratory has been inactive, the DOE has kept i] maintained and

operable. The USGS, with the cooperation of the DOE, is planning an expedition to

Enewetak in summer 1984 that will require the use of the laborat$ry.‘”

Mar 84


A complete brushing operation is initiated on Enewetak.
[Al non-cultivated
foliage will be chopped down and left to decompose to add humis to the soil and
assist in maintaining moisture and providing natural nutrients.“*

Select target paragraph3