Jan 80


emphasizes that many uncertainties were involved in calculating e early radiation
doses received by the Marshallese prior to their evacuation. Be cause of possible
further development of thyroid abnormalities, BNL recommend regular medical
Mar 80


The DNA announces that the Enewetak cleanup is completta. The total cost
of the cleanup and rehabilitation phase is $218 million.*”
12 Mar 80

P.L. 96-205, the Burton bill, takes effect. This law gives re sponsibility to the
Secretary of Interior to provide medical care and treatment for the people of Bikini,
Enewetak, Rongelap, and Utirik Atolls who have been exposed to diation from the
nuclear weapon testing program and to support environmenjal research and
monitoring for any injury, illness, or condition that may result rom the nuclear
weapon testing program. The Secretary of Interior must sub it a plan for a
comprehensive four-atoll health program by 1 January 1981. All costs and
implementation of the plan are to be assumed by the DOE.*”

4 Apr 80


Johannes Peter, Binton Abraham, and John Abraham, her itary and elected
leaders of Enewetak Atoll, write President Jimmy Carter because t ey disagree with

statements made to Carter by RMI President Kabua.

Kabua rep rtedly had asked

, and Abraham
believe that additional study is unnecessary because independent advice by Bender

Carter to look into the resettlement of Enewetak.

Peter, Abrah

and Briel (1979) favors Enewetak resettlement.

They allege that President Kabua is motivated by funding and p nlitics and is not

speaking for the majority of the Enewetak people.*”

May 80


The Enewetak people return to Enewetak Atoll.”

Sep - Oct 80


The DOE issues The Meaning of Radiation at Bikini Atoll tc the Marshallese
to explain the results of the 1978 survey. The report states that he Bikini people
would be within U.S. radiation standards if they returned to Eneul
less and under the
provisions that they import 50

of their time on Bikini island) of their food and spend les

than 10 percent

Select target paragraph3