The DOE presents and explains "The Meaning of Radiationjat Bikini Atoll" to
the Bikini people living on Kili.”
1 Oct 80


Beginning in FY 1981 the LLL dose assessment project, thei BNL whole body
counting activities, and the University of Washington projects are fransferred to the
Office of Health and Environmental Research (OHER).™

30 Oct 80


The LLNL issues Reass
Residents _Resettling Enewetak Atoll.

This report refines the d

predictions for

various living patterns proposed for the resettlement of Enewetak Atoll.
3 Dec 80



A Loma Linda University report from a contract with the DOI! on the fouratoll health plan concludes that the
solution would be to improfe the health care
available throughout the Marshall Islands. Neither the DOI nor tha

governmentofficially endorses the plan.**

Marshall Islands

24 Dec 1980


P.L. 96-597 states that all rights, title, and interests of the UJS. governmentin
personal property or property of the government of the T.T. of the Pacific Islands

located in the T.T. of the Pacific Islands shall be transferred withogt reimbursement

by 1 October 1982 to the T.T.
1981 & 1982

Fourteen petitions on behalf of approximately 5,000
Marshall Islands
inhabitants are filed in the U.S. Court of Claims for property claims fesulting from the
nuclear weaponstesting program. The petitions are consolidated finto three cases:
Juda vs. U.S., involving inhabitants of the Bikini Atoll; Peter vs.]U.S., concerning
inhabitants of Enewetak Atoll; and Nitol vs. U.S., including inhabitgnts of atolls and
islands that were not used as test sites. Juda vs. U.S. alleges damages of $450

million. Peter vs. U.S. seeks damages of $500 million. Nitol vs. U.S) claims damages

of $400 million in each of the 12 cases, which total $4.80 billion.’


The Marshall Islands Testing Litigation Project is initiated. JA consortium of
U.S. law firms announces the filing of personal injury daims hgainst the U.S.
government on behalf of more than 600 Marshallese.

Select target paragraph3